Using Touch Screens May Impact Children’s Sleeping Habits

iPhone being touched at night screen illuminated background” by Wiyre Media licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Yahoo

Children that spend a lot of time on touch screens are sleeping less or taking longer to fall asleep, according to a new study published in the journal Scientific Reports.

The study examined children from the ages of 6 months to 3 years who spend time on touch-screen devices during daytime, and found that those who use the devices most were sleeping less and taking longer to fall asleep.

Also, those who used the touch screens more often were sleeping less at night, and sleeping more during the day. Some of the reasons that children face sleeping challenges include less time they have to sleep if they are on devices, or perhaps their minds are more stimulated which could make it harder for them to fall asleep.

The data is some of the first collected on the link between children’s sleep and their use of touch-screens.

Read full story at: Yahoo

Children & Families, Health, News
Children & Families, Health, News