UCLA Entertainment Branch Receives $20M Donation

UCLA Royce Hall” by Prayitno licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Newsroom UCLA

This week it was announced that UCLA’s School of Theater, Film and Television received a $20 million donation from the Patricia W. Mitchell Trusts.

UCLA will be using $15 million of the donations to establish the John H. and Patricia W. Mitchell Endowed Scholarship Fund, which will help the university to recruit the most talented students in the entertainment industry, with a dedication to advancing diversity in the sector of entertainment.

“Not only will it help provide a diverse community of students with strong ethical, creative and business foundations for careers in the business, but it will help preserve the legacy of so many great industry leaders of the past who have created so much wonderful television that UCLA has been, in my opinion, heroically, attempting to preserve with insufficient resources from the industry and others for a very long time,” said Bill Allen, trustee of the Mitchell Trusts.

Read Full Story: Newsroom UCLA

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