Are Students Learning More in Smaller Classroom Settings?

ISC Language Teaching Workshop Spring 2012” by Jerk Matousek licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: US News

Although the general consensus across U.S. schools is that smaller classrooms improve learning environments for students, there is little research to support the idea that students are learning more in smaller classroom settings.

New research shows that there may be some benefit for students in reading in smaller sized classes, but there was no evidence to support benefits in math.

Researchers in fact found that they cannot cancel out the possibility that smaller class sizes could actually be “less productive” for some students and it is also very expensive for schools to reduce their class sizes.

The study entitled “Small Class Sizes for Improving Student Achievement in Primary and Secondary Schools: A Systematic Review,”  was led by researchers at the Danish Center for Social Science Research.

Read Full Story: US News

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