Socioeconomic Factors Causing Increased Alcohol Abuse in Certain Neighborhoods

neighborhood” by Michael Cory licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: News Medical

A new study conducted by the University of Washington shows that neighborhoods with greater poverty experience higher rates of alcohol abuse.

While poverty-stricken neighborhoods often contain fewer bars and liquor stores than wealthier districts, researchers concluded that socioeconomic factors directly impact the quality of life within communities.

The study also reaffirms previous findings that those who live within neighborhoods marked by high poverty rates often engaged in binge-drinking about four times as frequently compared to other areas.

The new information provided by the University of Washington emphasizes the importance of socioeconomic factors as neighborhoods with greater access to alcohol did not show an increased use amongst its citizens.

“On its face, the connection between poverty and disorganization and alcohol use may not be all that surprising, but when you find that this connection may be even more important than the location of bars and liquor stores, then it’s those characteristics of a neighborhood that we want to pay attention to,” said Rick Kosterman, a scientist at the University of Washington School of Social Work.

Read Full Story: News Medical

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