Protecting Children from Cyberbullying

Maker Faire computer kid” by JD Lasica licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: US News

Protecting children from cyberbullying can prove to be difficult for parents because it can happen 24/7 through websites or social media outlets, where children are being bullied through unwarranted words or photos. Moreover, the negative effects of cyberbullying can be long-term for victims, reports US News, increasing their chances of developing health problems or using alcohol and drugs.

Here are some immediate ways in which parents can boost their chances of interfering with cyberbullying.

– Teach youth not share things that could hurt others
– Monitor and check children’s social media accounts for signs of cyberbullying, such as images or hurtful, hateful words
– Encourage youth to open up about cyberbullying
– Teach youth to report cyberbullying and to not engage in cyberbullying

Read Full Story: US News

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