Number of Children Receiving Vaccinations Drops in U.S.

Back-to-school time calls for vaccinations” by Army Medicine licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Fiercepharma

According to a new report from the CDC, the number of children who are not getting vaccinated is rising. The report shows that the percentage of 2-year-olds born in 2011 and who were not vaccinated was about .9% while the percentage rose to 1.3% for those born in 2015.

Additionally, the number of children who are getting vaccination exemptions is rising, up to 2.2.% according to the CDC.

The study found that the highest percentage of children who were not getting vaccinations were in rural areas. Researchers predict that this could be due to the fact that many children living in these regions are uninsured, not familiar with the vaccinations, not able to reach clinics and unable to find convenient clinic hours.

Read Full Story: Fiercepharma

Children & Families, Health, News
Children & Families, Health, News