New Survey Finds High Rate of Loneliness Among Americans

Alone” by Derek Mindler licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: NPR

According to results on a new survey by Cigna, nearly 50 percent of participants responded that they feel lonely and left out much of the time.

The study examined responses from more than 20,000 Americans across the country and calculated “loneliness scores” on a 20 to 80 scale used by the University of California, Los Angeles. Those who scored higher than a 40 were considered to experience more loneliness.

Furthermore, the average score for respondents was 44, indicating that more than half of Americans constantly feel a sense of loneliness or being left out.

Previous studies have found similar results, with at least 20 to 40 percent of Americans feeling lonely.

Studies have found that loneliness is linked to early death among young people and has been linked to higher risk of heart disease and slower recovery from breast cancer.

Read Full Story: NPR

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