New Resource Available for LGBT Students Applying to Law School

A UCSB engineering student graduates” by Glenn Beltz licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: US News

Stratus Admissions Counseling created a resource to help LGBTQ students who are applying to law school develop strong applications.

Entitled Law Admissions Lowdown, the resource outlines tips for incorporating sexual orientation background in connection to applying for law school within a personal statement and diversity statement.

Students who identify as LGBT and who are aspiring to pursue a law degree will find these tips helpful for selecting a school that meets their requirements.

“Don’t feel obligated to ‘out’ yourself,” reads the rubric, encouraging students to decide for themselves whether or not to include their sexual orientation in their application at all.

“Your sexual identity may be a significant part of who you are, but even if you discuss your aspirations to advocate for LGBTQ rights, you don’t need to disclose your orientation,” writes US News.

Other tips include not limiting oneself to discussing sexual orientation in personal statements, deciding whether a diversity statement enhances the students’ application, and selecting the right school.

Read Full Story: US News

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