New Mothers in the Art World Are Being Overlooked

Source: Art Net

The art industry sadly is bias against pregnant women and new mothers, with fewer than 18 percent of working mothers receiving paid maternity leave, according to the National Compensation Survey. And while new mothers lose 4 percent of their salary with every additional child, new fathers get a 6 percent pay raise.

In the art world, this problem is worse because organizations are usually smaller and don’t have teams big enough for policies on paid leave to be mandatory. Companies also do not emphasize enough the importance and benefits for both companies and employees alike.

In some arts institutions, paid maternity leave is not necessarily an option or something that the institution has even considered providing.

While some employees try to find a way around it by using sick time and vacation days instead, the bias against pregnant parents is still a major problem in the art industry.

Read Full Story: Art Net

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