More Individuals with Disabilities Gain Leverage in Job Market

National Disability Awareness Month” by Fort George G. Meade Public Affairs Office licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: LA Times

As the nation’s unemployment rates reach an all-time low, more companies are finally opening their doors to a diverse pool of potential employees, including more people with disabilities.

A combination of labor shortages and a deeper understanding of how to create a positive workspace for individuals living with disabilities has created more opportunities for disabled persons than ever before.

The rate of unemployment for disabled persons has dropped to 7 percent from 9.5 percent in the last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

More and more companies are developing improved methods of training workers with disabilities, providing better resources for them to succeed in their jobs, and fixing the issue of paying employees with disabilities low wages.

In doing so, more young people with disabilities have greater opportunities to find jobs that will actually pay them livable wages and foster their independence.

Read Full Story: LA Times

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