Children Impacting Americans’ Views of Refugees

Women’s photojournalism course in Farah City, Afghanistan” by ResoluteSupportMedia licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Washington Post

With current laws pertaining to immigration continuing to be debated, the influx of child refugees within the US has raised many issues regarding the framework of the country.

In a recent survey, Americans identified Muslim men as the most likely group to hinder national security.

However, according to the Refugee Processing Center, similar numbers of men and women are entering the US.

Additionally, the country has seen an influx of children refugees over the past year with Americans viewing them as low security risks.

Overall, the findings indicate that Americans are more likely to accept refugees into their communities if they are children and women.

Read Full Story: Washington Post

Children & Families, Justice & Poverty, News
Children & Families, Justice & Poverty, News