American Journalism Project Raises $42M to Support Nonprofit Digital News Sites This Summer

Computer” by Jack Sem licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: NPQ

This year, 25 nonprofit digital news organizations will receive grants from the $42 million raised by the American Journalism Project, aimed at helping local news sources establish business plans.

The main goal of the project is to help nonprofit news sites create sustainable business plans that help the organizations focus on producing quality journalism. Recipients of the grants are expected to reach a certain level of growth within a five-year plan and are expected to demonstrate sustainability upon executing the business plan.

The selected civic news organizations will receive support to establish a data-driven culture that values the implementation of intensive and winning practices.

NPQ reports that ideal candidates for the future will include “digital sites that have already been publishing high quality work and employ at least one person focused on business” as well as civic sites that are “driven by public purpose” and hold high “journalistic credibility.”

Read Full Story: NPQ

Foundations, News
Foundations, News